beBee background
Douae Douae

Douae Douae


خدمة العملاء/الدعم

Rabat, إقليم الرباط


الخدمات المعروضة

Am flexible and i love help other

معدل تقريبي: 2,000 د.م. لكل ساعة


I am a punctual and motivated individual who is able to work in a busy environment and produce high standards of work. I am an excellent team worker and am able to take instructions from all levels and build up good working relationships with all colleagues. I am flexible, reliable and possess excellent time keeping skills.


I am a punctual and motivated individual who is able to work in a busy environment and produce high standards of work. I am an excellent team worker and am able to take instructions from all levels and build up good working relationships with all colleagues. I am flexible, reliable and possess excellent time keeping skills.

المحترفون الذين يقدمون خدمات مماثلة لتلك الخاصة بـ Douae Douae

محترفون من نفس قطاع خدمة العملاء/الدعم مثل Douae Douae

المحترفون الذين يقدمون خدمات مجموعات A Capella

محترفون من قطاعات مختلفة بالقرب من Rabat, إقليم الرباط

المستخدمون الآخرون الذين يطلق عليهم Douae